* x11glue.c: include stdlib.h regardless of configuration (fixed
compile time errors)
* xllglue.c: line 142 - changed "light grey", "red" to "grey", "red"
light grey made display unreadable
* getcolor.c: include stdlib.h regardless of configuration (fixed
compile time errors)
* All: Change to config.h configurations
Mon Jun 9
12:25:32 1997 <randy@hp425t.telamon.com>
* vtconn.c: Fix numerous missing htons/htonl calls
* freevt3k.c: Switch A.01.03
Tue Jan 7
08:09:44 1997 <randy@telamon.com>
* freevt3k.c: Inaugural entry. Version A.01.01
* x11glue.c: Add code for '-a|-f|-lio' options
* freevt3k.c: Conditionally compiled out code not needed for xhpterm
* x11glue.c: made "-li, -lo, -lio" without a "-f" log to stdout
(per vt3k)
* x11glue.c: Added Logit routine
* hpterm.c: Added code to implement Device Control toggle
of logging
* freevt3k.c: made "-li, -lo, -lio" without a "-f" log to stdout (per